Distinguished School Administrator Award
The Distinguished School Administrator Award honors a school administrator who has made worthy contributions to the operations of a school library media program and to advancing the role of the school library media specialist in the educational program.
The purpose of the GLMA Distinguished School Administrator Award is:
To honor those administrators outside the library profession who, through individual leadership and sustained effort, have made worthy contributions to the operations of effective school library services and to advancing the role of the school library services in the educational program.
To recognize the responsible and influential role of those administrators outside the school library department in developing successful school library programs.
To stimulate planning, implementing, and support of the library services which are essential to a meaningful educational program.
The nominee must be a building principal or superintendent (district, county, or state) that is currently in an administrative role and does not work in a library media department.
The nominee may also be a district administrator responsible for broad instructional leadership, such as an assistant superintendent, director of curriculum and instruction, or a director of elementary and/or secondary education, provided they are not working in a library media department.
Previous recipients of this award may not apply for 5 years after being honored.
Current GLMA Distinguished Administrator Awards Committee members are not eligible for the Distinguished Administrator Award
Nominations should be made by current GLMA members.
Please note that all references to space limiters (ex: 2500) are in reference to characters, not words.
Names of the school, district, and school librarian should appear ONLY on the front page, not the narrative, in order to ensure impartial judging.
Please see judging criteria here.
Application Deadline: November 22, 2024
Contact our GLMA Grants and Awards Chair: Amanda Graves: Amanda.Graves@cherokee.k12.g
Past Winners
Dr. Patricia Alford
Dodgen Middle School
Distinguished School Administrator
Principals Know: School Librarians are the Heart of the School
Video crowdsourced by Dr. Judi Moreillon and Dr. Teresa Starrett using funds provided by the Texas Library Association, Demco, and the Dean's Research Funds (College of Professional Education, Texas Woman's University).