Judy Serritella Exemplary Library Media Program
The Judy Serritella Exemplary Library Media Program was created to recognize library media programs that empower students to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information both in vision and in practice. Exceptional library media programs are ones that demonstrate these characteristics in a consistent and effective manner. The Georgia Library Media Association (GLMA) will recognize and honor three exemplary (one from each level) libraries.
The school library media specialist applying for the award must hold membership in either GLMA or GLA at the time of application submission.
Schools must have been in existence for a minimum of three years before applying.
Previous recipients of this award may not apply for 3 years after being honored as Exemplary.
Current GLMA Exemplary Media Awards Committee members are not eligible for the EMP award.
Please note that all references to space limiters (ex: 2500) are in reference to characters, not words.
Names of the school, district, and school librarian should appear ONLY on the front page, not the narrative, in order to ensure impartial judging.
Application Deadline: March 14, 2025
Exemplary Library Media Program Chair, -Jennifer Cole (email) cole.jennifer@newton.k12.ga.us
In 2014, the award was renamed to honor Judy Serritella.
From 2002 to 2012 the program was sponsored by GaDOE; from 2013 to 2018, GLMA co-sponsored the award with the Georgia Library Association. From 2019, GLMA has been the sole sponsor.
In 2008, an Honorable Mention category was added.
In 2007, an Exceptional category was added.
In 2020, GLMA retired the exceptional and honorable mention categories.