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Program Prep Resources


School Librarians as Learning Leaders

This infographic from AASL helps administrators better understand the role library media specialists play in student achievement and student engagement.

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Resources- Librians as Learning Leaders.
   Future Ready Librarians  

The Future Ready Librarians initiative is designed to raise awareness among school and district leaders about the role school librarians play in providing our students with an education that prepares them for their future. 

Social Media Promotion

Use the Graphic to share news and promote your library. 

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AASL Resources 

We know that school librarians are essential in developing future ready learners through personalization that promotes inquiry-based learning, curating equitable instruction and curriculum tools, and facilitating/supporting the digital and informational literacy efforts of many of our strategic plans. This conference is invaluable in supporting us as we support our school and district in our transformative, personalized learning instruction. Here are the resources from the AASL conference in Louisville 2019. 

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