The School Librarian Evaluation Instrument (SLEI)

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Note: Evaluation forms are meant to be used digitally, so it is best to download those individually. This document provides an easy reference of all documents in one file.
School library media leaders from across Georgia developed a powerful document for school library media evaluation and advocacy: the School Librarian Evaluation Instrument (SLEI). ​
The 10 standards of the SLEI align with the AASL Standards for 21st Century Learners and the ISTE Standards for Coaches. The Future Ready Library goals of connecting real-world learning to the school environment are also integrated in the performance standards. The SLEI is an evaluation instrument that will allow Georgia to ensure consistency and comparability across districts, based on a common definition of highly qualified school library media specialists who support and enrich school environments.
The resources below are made available by the Georgia Library Media Association for all districts to use as the evaluation instrument for library media specialists.
SLEI Components
Getting Started with the SLEI:
SLEI Forms:
SLEI Self-Assessment Form (Completed by library media specialist)
SLEI Formative Assessment Form (Completed by evaluator)
SLEI Summative Assessment Form (Completed by evaluator)
The forms above are available for download and open in Excel for you to use digitally. Formulas are embedded to aid in scoring.
For printing, it is best to scale to 1 page wide by 2 pages tall.
Forms were updated in 2019 to include PSC goal information.
SLEI Full and Flexible Plans:
The SLEI "full" plan is for library media specialists with fewer than 3 full years of experience; evaluators must conduct a 30-minute evaluation of their teaching and two 15-minute conversations.
The SLEI "flex" plan is for library media specialists with more than 3 years of experience. A 30-minute evaluation of their teaching is required. The 15-minute conversations are encouraged, but not required.
SLEI Evidence:​
Evidence of standards is collected through observation, conversation, and documentation.
One 30-minute teaching observation is required, though it is not enough to fully evaluate a library media specialist on all 10 standards. Standards 2, 3, 5, and 7 match well with teaching observations.
Additional evidence can be collected through informal observations and conversations between the evaluator and the library media specialist.
It is recommended that library media specialists create a digital notebook to collect documentation throughout the year.
Documentation examples include a budget tracking spreadsheet, collaboration calendar, link to your blog or website, etc.
SLEI Grading
The I-IV grading scale of the SLEI is the same as the I-IV grading scale in TKES and LKES.
The I-IV grading scale aligns to a 0-3 point scale, which is also the same as TKES and LKES.
The summative evaluation form downloads into Excel and contains a formula to perform the score calculation for you.
SLEI and Goals:
The Georgia PSC requires certified educators create a professional learning goal each school year.
The goal can be entered and assessed on the summative evaluation form.
These documents can be used to support the goal-setting process.
SLEI and Training:
Reach out to your Regional Educational Service Agency (RESA) for information on upcoming training sessions.
Click view, then play on this SLEI training presentation. Audio explanations are included on some slides.
Contact Holly Frilot to arrange face-to-face or virtual training for a fee.
Contact Holly Frilot for a 30-minute virtual Q&A.

SLEI History
In Fall of 2014, a Georgia Library Media Consortium group met at the University of West Georgia to discuss concerns for library media programs in the state. University professors, library media coordinators, and library media specialists came together with a goal of identifying content that should be required for SLMS preparation programs. A secondary goal was to initiate a plan to develop a library media program evaluation instrument so expectations could be consistent across the state.
In 2015, the Consortium developed the Media Keys Effectiveness System (MKES), and is currently the evaluation method for all library media specialists in Gwinnett County Public Schools. Following a commitment to national standards, the School Library Effectiveness Instrument (SLEI) was developed in 2016, and was adopted by the Cobb County School District. SLEI support documents and forms, similar to TKES/LKES, were developed by Holly Frilot and the library media leaders team in the Cobb County School District. The SLEI was last updated in 2019.