Congratulations to
Susan Grigsby,
2019 Award Winner,
for her leadership and dedication to the Georgia Library Media Association.
William E. Patterson Award
William E. Patterson was president of GLMA 1979-80 and editor of the Georgia Library Media Department Newsletter. With these leadership roles and a host of other contributions and involvements in school library media programs, the William E. Patterson Award was established to honor library media professionals for outstanding and continuous service to the Georgia Library Media Association.
The recipient for the award is chosen by the President.
The President consults with the Committee Chair as to the appropriate wording for the award plaque.
The award is presented by the President during a conference designated by the President and the Board.
Spotlight on Susan Grigsby
2019 William E. Patterson Award Winner
Susan Grigsby has served GLMA for many years as a respected leader, innovator, and champion of media specialists and media programs throughout the state.
Throughout her illustrious career, Susan has represented Georgia school librarians in many capacities. She has worked as a teacher library at The Epstein School in Atlanta, Midvale Elementary in DeKalb County, Tate Elementary School in Pickens County, and Elkins Pointe Middle School in Fulton County. Susan also served as the District Media Specialist for Forsyth County Schools from 2014-2017.
As a GLMA member, Susan served on the GLMA Board from 1999 to 2017 as Independent Schools representative, Communications Chair, Treasurer, Media Specialist of the Year Chair, President-Elect, President, and Professional Development Chair.
As Professional Development Chair, Susan was instrumental in the development of GLMA's Summer Institute - a 2-day professional conference specifically for school librarians. Susan's vision and guidance for Summer Institute has made it the premier professional development conference in Georgia for school librarians.
Currently Susan is working at the Wellington International School of Bangkok, but she continues to support Georgia libraries! You can keep up with Susan on Twitter @sksgrigsby.